Monday, June 08, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince moved to July 29

There are rumors that Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince will be moved to July 29, if you want to see the movie in IMAX, but it will still be out in regular theaters in July 15, that is all according to a report from TV Watch Online. And this is what they have to say:

Basically what happened is IMAX Corporation signed a contract with Paramount guaranteeing them a 4 week exclusive window if they filmed parts of Transformers 2 with IMAX cameras onto IMAX film (something that is quite a bit more expensive). Unfortunately that was back when Harry Potter was due to open November 2007 and when Warner Bros. pushed back the opening date Paramount was not willing to renegotiate the contract it had signed with IMAX.

Thanks to Mugglenet for the info.

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